Left bank Island just below Temple Lock
"62 properties in attractive communal gardens, with a private marina, and almost all homes with a designated mooring"
The name "Temple" comes from the long history of the Templars at Bisham (and not from any particular Temple building)

Extensive History of Temple Mill Island

1544:  Temple Mills under one roof, and a fishery extending from Temple Locke, were granted to Thomas Persse.

1700s:  Daniel Defoe, Tours:

On the River of Thames ... are three very remarkable Mills, which are called the Temple-mills, which are called also, the Brass-mills, and are for making Bisham Abbey Battery Work, as they call if, viz. Brass Kettles, and Pans, &c. of all Sorts.
They have first a Foundary, where, by the Help of Lapis Caliminaris [zinc ore], they convert Copper into Brass, and then, having cast the Brass in large broad Plates, they Beat them Out by the Force of great Hammers, wrought by the Water mills, into what Shape they think fit for Sale.
Those Mills went on by the strength of a good Stock of Money in a Company or Partnership, and with very good Success, 'till at last, they turned it into what they call a Bubble, brought it to Exchange Alley, let it a Stockjobbing in the Days of our South-Sea Madness, and brought it up to be sold at one hundred Pounds per Share, whose intrinsic Worth was perhaps ten Pounds, 'till, with the Fall of those Things together, it fell to nothing again.
Their Treasurer, a Tradesman in London, failed, having misapply'd about thirty thousand Pounds of their Money, and then, as it is usual where want of Success goes before, quarelling among themselves followed after, and the whole Affair sunk into a Piece of mere Confusion and Loss, which otherwise was certainly a very beneficial Undertaking.
Next to these are Two Mills, both extraordinary in themselves, one for making of Thimbles, a Work excellently well formed, and which performs to Admiration, and another for pressing of Oil from Rape seed, and Flax-seed, both which, as I was told, turn to very good Account to the Proprietors.

1793: Temple Mills were still working brass and copper.

1794: Report of a survey of the river Thames between Reading and Isleworth ... John Rennie (the Elder)

We have then good water [from Temple Lock] to Marlow Lock, except about sixty yards at the Copper Works, which should be deepened.

1901: The Thames Illustrated by John Leland -

Long ago, the Templars appear to have had mills for the working of copper here, and those which now stand for other grinding have a good deal that is picturesque about them, when the evening light bestows its mellow charm upon them and their surroundings.